Couples Counselling
Some couples may experience problems that challenge their relationship. When even little problems are left to fester they can incubate, grow and become the reason for communication breakdown in what was, and still can be a happy and physically fulfilling relationship.​
If you perhaps feel you and your partner are drifting apart, losing touch with one another and find that laughter and intimacy are being replaced with arguments and silences then it may be time to rethink. A couple's connection is special as it has a unique inbuilt intimacy running alongside the care and trust required in any relationship. My approach centres around a couple agreeing they want this in their life with the goal being to build a relationship together that brings them the joy, fulfilment and security that comes from such a foundation.
When relationships break down they can create the opposite feelings.....loneliness, disappointment, anger, sadness, isolation, rejection, and in some cases helplessness and despair. If you are experiencing any of these emotions I am here to support and help you through such troubled times.
It doesn't matter if you’re married, living together, single, gay or straight – I am here to help you. I have extensive experience in counselling LGBT individuals and couples.
What to expect?
During counselling, we can look at what isn't working for your both and make changes for the better. In today's hectic life, it's often hard to free up even a little special time for 'us' - and this can become the norm. Freeing up time to work together on a forward plan is a great start and I'll work with you to learn constructive, healthier and fun ways to communicate - not just verbally I emphasise.
Some Couples may find that, to begin with, they wish to come separately and then come later as a couple, or you might have a combination of solo and couple sessions. I will work with whatever we feel is best for you.
Sessions typically last one hour and can be in person at my practice in Wisborough Green (RH14 0EP) or online or over the telephone. In all cases, you are guaranteed a warm, friendly non-judgmental welcome and all we do and say together is 100% confidential.​
PS - I am highly experienced in situations where there has been a betrayal of trust; e.g. an affair, (which can often include sexting or online chat rooms). Even though this can result in torturous pain for the offended partner I would like you to know that help is here on hand. It's hard to believe when these situations arise that things can often work out for the better but if there is a mutual willingness to truthfully admit to what has happened, discuss and understand why, then there really are ways we can work together to get you back on track.....If this is what you both want.